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Memorials for fur-angels who have touched our lives in a special way. God grant them peace and happiness until we are reunited at Rainbow Bridge.

Please click on this link, to return to Grizz's main web site.  Give you sweet furry loves a hug today and tell them how very much you love them.  Tomorrow comes so quickly and the yesterdays become but a sweet memory. Cherish them.  Jo Helms

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Our beloved Grizz

This was Grizz's obituary that I sent to our friends.  Many people were very touched by it.  Dr. Murphy and the staff at Kaukauna Veterinary Clinic have a framed copy of this in their entrance.



Silvia and Kim's sweet furbaby.  Stay close to them Whisper please.


Kerry, Brindy and Rupert. My Niece and her two very special furry loves.

So much love!!  Brindy had cardiomyopathy which is not uncommon in Boxers, Rupert(cocker) followed Brindy to Rainbow Bridge less than 6 months after Brindy, from liver failure.


His memorial

I wrote "Remember Me" for Grizz and designed his memorial in his memory.  We will always love you sweetheart!  We miss him so much.    Jo, Barry, Sarge, and Kodi 

January 21, 2006 marked the 3rd anniversary of Grizz's journey to Rainbow Bridge.  I could not let this day pass without sharing a very special poem that I wrote on his behalf......    Jo


I heard your sweet voice and felt you near us today...

You were by my side, your love lighting our way...

We long so feel your touch....

Your sweet loving face that we miss so much...

Your fur so soft, your gentle kiss.....

Your devotion and love, we so sadly miss....


Our fight lives on, we fought so hard for you....

Your shining light always coming through....

One day, when we are joined again...

At Heaven's Gate, we'll be together then..


Until then, sweet baby, please know that we will always love you........always.

Thank you for leaving such a special paw print upon our hearts....

Jo, Barry, Sarge, and Kodi...........


Sweet loving Rex. Jeff, Pat and Cory's beloved furlove. God Bless you and keep you safe.

Keep ahold of that purse Rex.  Mommy needs your help.


My Sister, Linda's special furbaby Sherlock.

Thank you Sherlock for sending Linda the message with the music box.  She needed that.  Love always, Auntie Jo


Sid's sweet furchildren

Run, play and be free in the playground of Angels until it is time to meet us again.

Photos copyrighted by Jo Helms 2003-2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.